Mandibular molar with dilacerated root and canal exiting short of apex.
Maxillary bicuspid with three canals.
Mandibular molar with severely dilacerated root.
Maxillary lateral incisor with a second root.
Mandibular molar with separated instrument.
Mandibular molar with dilacerated root and additional portal of exit.
Mandibular molar with canal anastomosis.
Mandibular molar with canal anastomosis and multiple portals of exit.
Mandibular bicuspid with aberrant anatomy.
Mandibular molar with “C” shaped canal.
Conventional endodontic therapy of a maxillary second molar with atypical anatomy.
Maxillary lateral incisor with dens invaginatus.
Medically compromised patient with complex endodontic-restorative needs.
Conventional endodontic therapy of a mandibular second molar with atypical anatomy.
