Conventional endodontic treatment with surgical repair of external resorptive defect.

Patient presented with a history of pain on the lower right. Radiographic examination exhibited external resorption of the mesiobuccal root. Clinical testing showed the tooth to have lingering pain to cold, consistent with a diagnosis of irreversible pulpitis.
The resorption of the mesial root communicates with the mesiobuccal canal. This makes the endodontic treatment of the mesial root very complicated.
Non-surgical root canal therapy was completed to alleviate the patient’s symptoms, and the mesiobuccal root was initially sealed with MTA. Post operative CBCT revealed a large defect on the mesiobuccal root. After placing a permanent core buildup, the area was exposed surgically and was restored with Bioceramic Root Repair Material and Geristore, to allow gingival reattachment.