Apexogenesis is a procedure where vital tissue within the tooth is maintained to facilitate continued development of the immature root. A portion of inflamed pulp is removed and filled with a bioceramic material that maintains vitality in the roots. Healthy tissue then allows for continued root development. When root development is complete, a traditional root canal can be performed.

Immature root, open apex, and inflamed pulp.

Apexogenesis has resulted in root development, allowing a root canal to be performed.
Signs and Symptoms
You may experience pain, cold sensitivity, or no symptoms at all. Your general dentist may detect deep decay in an immature tooth.
Pre-Op Instructions
Once apexogenesis is initiated, routine follow up and x-rays are needed to evaluate root formation. Once a root canal can be completed, further post-op instructions will be given.
Post-Op Instructions
A follow-up exam and x-ray are important to evaluate the healing process of your tooth. Come see us again in six months for a check-up appointment.