Five Things You Can Expect as a Referring Partner
1. Compassionate, prompt, and professional care – no matter who or where. Root Canal Specialty Associates provides care in all phases of surgical and
Great Endodontic Care Does Not Start With Treatment
Anxiety around root canal treatment remains, despite decades of evidence of its effectiveness and safety. Easing patient fears about their treatment begins the
Improving Patient Care Communication
Treatment Reports Are Going Digital! While we’ve always strived to promote the prompt transfer of patient information, we’re now adopting a more efficient
AAE reveals their list of “Social Media Movers & Shakers”
Each May, the American Association of Endodontists (AAE) takes time to celebrate the importance of saving natural teeth. As AAE members, we dedicate a portion
How Increased Communication Promotes Better Patient Care
As we've been navigating the COVID-19 pandemic, the demand for both urgent and elective endodontic care has remained high. This has underscored the importance